Saturday, February 7, 2009

5. A separate high profile AIA website tailored specifically for the interests of typical homeowners and residential Architects.

Most of the market uses the internet daily, and probably 98% of the residential consumers use. The current AIA web site is not designed from a graphic design (tactile) or content standpoint to represent that percentage. Residential architecture is diverse enough to justify its own web site featuring the myriad of good archetypes within "Residential" (modern, green, traditional, low income, spec, etc.) The current AIA site does have a few pages about hiring an architect, which are actually pretty good, but they are difficult to find and do not go into too much detail. If there were a dedicated site that has a well conceived explanation of the many values of our services as well as the typical relationship of Design-Bid-Build or Architect Led-Design-Build home owners would be able to become very knowledgeable very early on in the process and then have discussions with the Architects they interview. The site could easily have corporate sponsorship from related building products and special interest groups, including Architects. The site could also have a database of registered AIA professionals that could be searched by geographical area, specific communities and special interests like LEED or Historic Preservation or Construction Management....... '07 the monthly commercial const. spending was $375 billion and the residential was $500 billion.

We need to make a more organized effort to leverage social networking sites on the internet to 1. bring more designers and builders on board with CRAN & CORA's ideals and 2. to expose more of the home owning/buying public to better design.

We need to launch or join/participate in online communities that foster interest in a range of design themes - classical, craftsman, bungalows, green, modern, prefabricated - any topic where we can nurture the pro-consumer enthusiast and feed their interest in better design. These people have already drunk the cool-aid on their own accord - these are our true believers.

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